Welcome to the Informal Business Innovation Hub
Supporting the understanding of innovation in the informal sector in South Africa and Africa. (Image by freepik.)
Supporting the understanding of innovation in the informal sector in South Africa and Africa. (Image by freepik.)
This project was initiated by the Centre for Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (CeSTII), at the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC).
The Informal Business Innovation Community of Practice YouTube channel showcases some of our content from workshops and research in informal business innovation. Here are some of the stories we share on the channel. Please remember to hit the Like and Subscribe buttons on the channel to get notifications when we post new content: https://www.youtube.com/@InformalBusinessInnovation/videos
From crisis to survival: How informal enterprises harness the power of innovation.
Transitioning the Informal to the Formal Economy:
A Measure to Assess Readiness and Progress
Innovation in Sweetwaters’ small businesses:
Learning from research to support informal entrepreneurs
Innovation in the Informal Sector: A Case Study of Informal Apparel Businesses in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Innovation in the Informal Sector: A Case Study of Business Evolution and Innovation in the Informal Food Sector
Innovation in the South African Informal Sector Survey Statistical Report: Baseline Survey in Sweetwaters, KwaZulu-Natal, 2017–2018
Questionnaire used during the CeSTII, HSRC Survey of Innovation in the Informal Sector.
Gender, informality and innovation:
Insights from research in Sweetwaters,
About the MyBIP app
The MyBIP app is one of several resources that the HSRC has created so that informal business owners can benefit directly from the research findings. The aim is to turn the research findings into interactive learning tools that help small business owners to use proactive and opportunity-driven innovation strategies to strengthen their business capabilities. These learning tools as well as an Informal Business Innovation Toolkit are shared through the MyBIP app.
A toolkit designed for informal business owners
Informal businesses innovate all the time – you use your knowledge to make changes that bring value to your customers and help sustain your businesses. You do so in response to challenges or to take up opportunities, often with little resources and support. Imagine what you can achieve with an innovative mindset!
Use the guidelines, tools and tips to create an innovation strategy based on understanding your business now and your vision for the future. The toolkit’s resources will help you to assess progress, plan, and build skills. Formal small businesses, NGOs and others providing business skills training and support may also find it useful.
Contact us to find out more.
Informal businesses significantly contribute to employment and income generation in South Africa. As HSRC research shows, innovation is crucial to their survival. On 24 and 25 April 2024, the HSRC held a workshop with informal business owners at Philippi Village, Cape Town, to share a new evidence-based toolkit designed to support informal businesses in strengthening…
The HSRC team and Cnetworks have been hard at work finalising the MyBIP app, which will be available on Google Play shortly. Stay tuned!
This website provides guidelines, tools and tips to create an innovation strategy based on understanding your business now and your vision for the future. The resources will help you to assess progress, plan, and build skills. Formal small businesses, NGOs and others providing business skills training and support may also find it useful. The project…